A Railway on Sumatra Constructed by Prisoners of the Japanese During WWII (1943 - 1945)

Locomotive remains at Lipat Kain

Sumatra. 1945. Imprisoned Australian troops released in Sumatra shown carrying the food containers used to transport food to the prisoners. The food was almost inedible. Left to right: Sergeant F. Brown of Adelaide, SA; Private (Pte) L. Bett of Launceston, Tas; Pte P. Renson of Southport, Tas; Pte G. Spencer of Bracknell, Tas; Pte J. Rose of Ulverstone, Tas; C. Bell of Melbourne, Vic; and C. Foster of Adelaide, SA. (Australian War Memorial)

Bridge foundations near camp 9 at Logas

Locomotive remains at Lipat Kain
The Japanese invaded Sumatra in 1942, and using the engineers from the infamous Thai Burma Railway, put over 120,000 newly captured slaves to work building a railway. These slaves were not only local Indonesians, but also POW's captured as the eastern colonies fell.
This is the history of that railway...
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